As of the 25th of May 2018 a new European directive on Data protecion came into force throughout the European Union.
This new ligislation was established across the EU after 4 years of negotiations and deliberations to help update the way companies use consumers’ data.
All companies who store and use data belonging to or pertaining to an individual will have to demonstrate how they safely store and process any information as part of their daily tasks.
The new regulations will give our service users more choice in how their personal information will be used and how the information will be securely stored for use only with IKL Care and its support working staff as part of our servce users care support packages.
You will have the right to be informed about how the infromation about you is collected and used as part of your care package.
We will provide you with information on:
(i) why we need your personal information
(ii) what we do with it and who we share it with in order to facilitate your care package
(iii) How long we keep it on file
(iv) If we obtain personal information from other sources-we will inform you immediately
(v) We will provide you with concise information which will be easy to understand and easily accessible to you
IKL Care have an appointed Data Protection Officer (DPO) who will oversee the safe use and storage of all personal & business data that IKL Care requires in order to full fill our service users and support workers needs.
None of the personal information we hold on file for our service users or support workers will be shared to any thrid parties unless required to do so by law or for emergency purposes only.